Nullam non lectus nec quam laoreet suscipit vel eget ligula. Aliquam condimentum venenatis luctus. Ut quis nibh nec tortor tempor faucibus sit amet ac metus. Nullam lacus nisi, lobortis et adipiscing eget, rutrum a eros. Duis a pharetra tortor. Nunc sollicitudin, turpis eget ultrices porttitor, mi est fermentum arcu, quis tristique quam leo a purus. Etiam bibendum lectus ac felis sollicitudin lobortis commodo ac ipsum. Fusce vitae augue dolor, ac accumsan diam.
Last 30 Posts
- Is the center licensed?
- Is Maple Tree accredited or a part of Parent Aware?
- How long has Maple Tree been operating?
- Is the center open year-round?
- What ages do you serve?
- What are the steps in applying to enrolling a child at Maple Tree?
- Can my child come any hours?
- How are payments made?
- Do I need to sign a contract?
- Do I pay if my child is absent or the center is closed for a holiday?
- Does the center close when the weather is bad?
- Is the staff stable and well-trained?
- How will I keep in communication with my child’s teacher?
- How do you handle discipline?
- What if my child is sick?
- What if my child gets hurt at the center?
- What do I need to provide?
- Do the children get outside time?
- What will my child learn at Maple Tree?
- How are health and safety issues addressed?
- How is the center kept clean?
- Do you take the children on field trips?